A Book Haul

Book hauls are popular in the booktube community, they like to go on spending sprees and return with an armful of books to talk about in their videos. I had a small book haul on 2 January, a small window of book buying opportunity amidst the pandemic. I only hauled three books, does size matter?

January 2021 TBR (the books I’d like to read)

This video is about the books I intend to read or at least start reading in January. My granddaughter is in the thumbnail holding the books but she doesn’t appear in this video. Pandemic restrictions prevent me from having access to a wide selection of books. Public transport is not running and my local bookshop only stocks around three shelves of books in English, from which I have bought all the ones that interest me. In addition, Tbilisi English Book Swap, which has been a great source of reading material, hasn’t been meeting because of the restrictions.

I’d like to read Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (there will be a readalong of this from 6 January led by Sofia Clef, here is her video about the readalong:

Another tome I’d like to read is Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens.

I also have Noir, a cyberpunk novel published in 1998 by K W Jeter.

I also added ლექსები – ნოდარი დუმბაძე (Poetry by Nodar Dumbadze), I would like to be able to read a whole book in Georgian, even one intended for six year olds.

It has been a long time since I last read a novel in French, I have Fort comme la mort by Guy de Maupassant, the story of an aging painter and his mistress, Maupassant was more famous for his short stories than his novels.

Finally I have a fantasy novel on my kindle app called Sword of Kaigen by M L Wang, this was recommended by Gregory LaPerche’s in his video :

I wish you all a happy new year.